Please notice, this is not the real latest firmware from ugoos, ugoos don’t have any new update, and haven’t solved the mac address change problem, but we have tried to flash the iMito mx1 custom rom from bob and fix those problem, tested by geekbuying!
After flash, you will get a “fake” iMito mx1 :), why we say this? because the ug007 will have mx1 boot up menu, will show “imito mx1” on the about device, but that is not really important, the important is this great custom rom fix the following problem for ug007 users:
1) mac address won’t change after you turn on/off wifi;
2) add soft power on/off function;
3) add hide status tool bar function:
4) add cell phone control
There are also other great improvement, flash it to enjoy.
Here is the instruction:
– Open UG007 with small screwdriver
– close pin with wire: <show image>
– Insert USB cable on PC
– pc will inform you find a new device,and you install the driver in the dowload file,;
– open the flash tool in the download file;,and after you install the driver, the flash tool will inform you FOUND ROCK RK3066 DEVICE, and then you just need to click “flash roms”
and after it finish, you will get a new UG007 🙂
I’ve got one question.
For the flash operation, do we need to connect the UG007 to the PC via the OTG USB or do we can connect it via the microUSB port?
if ug007 is root, which procedure run on upgrade?