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How to Root Kingsing K2 MTK6572 Dual Core 3G Smart Phone

Kingsing K2whose quality is reliable,  pantalla IPS, Dual core CPUalso with GPS function and the most important its price, you should own it if you want to buy your first android smart phone.

And Today I’d like to share with you how to root it.

Opend the usb debugging of your phone
Click the root tool
3. Connect the phone with PC, it will check automatically, may take 1-2 minutos. After checking, it will shows the root

information herethe only thing you need to do is clicking the green button , to start rooting:

Pls note: your phone will be restarted at least one time. Pls do not operate.

After finishing it will show you phone is rooted Successfully. And the Superuser has been installed on your phone already.

Good luck. Pls be careful do not uninstall the system apps and files.

Enlace de descarga:  Kingsing K2 Root Tool:

How to Root Kingsing K2 MTK6572 Dual Core 3G Smart Phonehttp://www.mediafire.com/download/rny4cffkx6p22ci/MTK6582%20MTK6572%20Root%20tool.rar

How to Root Kingsing K2 MTK6572 Dual Core 3G Smart Phone


3 Comentarios

  1. Can you please provide me the rar code in order to unrar the file
    MTK6582 MTK6572 Root tool.rar:

  2. That is the one thank you